This exciting video provides an overview of ACOMP, a smart manufacturing system that generates real-time polymer measurements and enables improved process control, as well as a few case studies and new reaction data. The Optimized Polymer Reactions and Enabled Process Control video is presented by Julia Siqueira, a researcher at Tulane University’s PolyRMC, the university...Read More
Fluence Analytics Included in CB Insights’ Inaugural List of Top 50 Global Advanced Manufacturing Startups Fluence Analytics, a leader in continuous analytics and process control solutions for the polymer and biopharmaceutical industries, was recently named as a Top 50 global advanced manufacturing startup by CB Insights. CB Insights is an industry leading software company that...Read More
The Continuous Polymer Analytics webinar by our Co-founder & President, Alex Reed, captures how our ACOMP system continuously analyzes polymers during production, enabling users to control desired polymer specifications and characteristics. ACOMP is a smart manufacturing system that plays a leading role in digital transformation plans by generating never-before-seen data sets that improve product quality...Read More
The theme of Yokogawa Electric Corporation's Y NOW 2021 conference was Realizing Autonomous Operations. Alex Reed, CEO and Co-founder of Fluence Analytics, delivered a keynote talk about enabling autonomous polymer operations through digital transformation. Alex's keynote discusses three of the most important aspects of polymer manufacturing: specifications, operational efficiency, and inventory management. The polymer industry...Read More
Fluence Analytics (formerly Advanced Polymer Monitoring Technologies), a manufacturer of smart industrial and laboratory monitoring systems, recently released the third generation of its ACOMP, an automated system that performs continuous, real-time monitoring and characterization of polymers for 3D printing, smart QA, and other uses during manufacturing and post-processing. The ACOMP QA process enabled a global...Read More
In April 2017, The Frontier held its inaugural conference in New Orleans, attracting hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders from across the United States. The Frontier brought together individuals from diverse industry backgrounds to engage in discussions of new ideas, technology, innovation, long-term vision, and interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities to shatter current barriers and revolutionize the world’s largest industries....Read More