Fluence Analytics Accepted into InnoSTARS Semi-finals in China Fluence Analytics, a company specializing in industrial and laboratory analytics products, was accepted into the 2018 InnoSTARS semi-finals. InnoSTARS is organized by the U.S. China Innovation Alliance, and it is the only national platform between the U.S. and China that connects innovative companies with investors, corporations, and...Read More
Dr. Sig Floyd to discuss new case studies on polyacrylamide and acrylic adhesives Fluence Analytics Business Development Advisor, Dr. Sig Floyd, is presenting new ACOMP case studies during the Gulf Coast Conference. These case studies will overview typical ACOMP applications for process monitoring such as polyacrylamide reactions, condensation polymers, and acrylic adhesive formulations. The presentation will...Read More
In April 2017, The Frontier held its inaugural conference in New Orleans, attracting hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders from across the United States. The Frontier brought together individuals from diverse industry backgrounds to engage in discussions of new ideas, technology, innovation, long-term vision, and interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities to shatter current barriers and revolutionize the world’s largest industries....Read More